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Week 3 DraftKings Line Ups

Here are my early looks at my Draftkings line ups this week... Sun Contest LINE 1 Kirk Cousins- With a slate that has so many opt...

Thursday, August 31, 2017

We are the Chalk

DON'T PLAY THE CHALK... We have all heard it before. Against the header I am not going to tell you to play. Defiantly don't eat the chalk that is for sure. Have we ever stopped and wondered why we just follow this simple DFS rule...Is it really out of understanding or is being contrarian just that attractive. I will challenge the fact but hopefully help guide you to winning in a way that keeps your wife (girl friend) off your back. Let's be real 90% of us aren't playing to win the million. We are playing because we are fans and it justifies me watching the 11:05 Yankees game on a Thursday afternoon. Sure I am gambling but is it really gambling if I am not expecting to win... What am I gambling on? All things we really don't consider. So enjoy or don't enjoy my blogging about random bull shit and DFS brainstorming. Maybe just maybe we might be the 10%.

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